"If you don't take risks, you'll have a wasted soul."
The little things, you do to me are
taking me over, i wanna show ya
everything inside of me
like a nervous heart that, is crazy beating
my feet are stuck here, against the pavement
i wanna break free, i wanna make it
closer to your eyes, get your attention
before you pass me by
So back up take another chance
Don't you mess up I don't wanna lose you
Wake up this aint just a thing that you
Give up don't you say that I'd be
Better off, sleepin by myself and wonderin
If im better off, with out you boy
So don't just leave me hanging on
Ha en fin kväll :)
Del 6 av min novell finns nu publicerad. Läs & kommentera! :)
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hoppas du har en bra kväll!
Gratismakeup.se grundades sensommaren 2008, och idéen med sidan är att man ska kunna tjäna ihop poäng, helt gratis, och därefter växla in poängen mot presentkort på Kicks.
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